netkids logo

We draw, design, make photos, write, program and we have our own ideas for basically everything, and these ideas are somehow a bit different than the others, they have that little extra. Extra attention, extra enthusiasm, extra creativity.

But the most important thing is that we never forget to remain kids.


We established our company under the name: Color Plus in '91 which we changed to Netkids in 2015 but the expertise of our team has not changed at all. We started as a graphic studio with 5-6 employees then became a full-service agency with 30 employees. Nowadays, in two different branches, we offer professional services as a creative agency in the field of advertising-communication.

We monitor the ideas from the moment they were born until the production of the necessary advertising tools. The offline and online products are being made in our graphic and multimedia studios. Our team is made of graphic and web designers, and programmers.

Our special project is the Egyszervolt web page for kids, which we have started to develop for our own kids' entertainment. Since then it has become very popular among families, and is being visited by more than 400.000 people in each month. Based on our experience, we decided to start developing digital educational materials ("Smart box" - okosdoboz in Hungarian). Hopefully not just for our own entertainment...